Overview: Design a series of posters that represent the U.S. Amendments. Designs must include mixed media—no straight digital design

Software : Adobe Photoshop 

U.S. Amendments

Poster Design


I began by researching all twenty-seven Amendments. Learning what they are, what they mean, and how they affect people. After I chose the ten Amendments that stood out the most, I started sketching. The hard part about this project was figuring out how to represent each amendment that hadn’t already been done and using physical materials. After drawing and looking at the Amendments, I made posters for Amendments eight, fourteen, and twenty-one.

In Progress

Amendment 14: “If you are born or naturalized in the U.S., then you are a Citizen of the U.S.” This Amendment is important to me because I am adopted. I wanted to think of a way to represent people coming to the U.S. from all around the world. Using a corkboard, nails, string, and flags, I could represent the continents and the flags of countries. Each country has a string leading to the U.S. I came up with this idea when thinking about how I got here. Planes all start at different locations but can meet at one point.

Amendment 8 “No Excessive Bail or Cruel Punishment”- My concept for this poster was to represent the two forms literally. The combination of the noose and money wasn’t interesting enough, so I photographed the image in a dark space with a flashlight to give a dramatic effect that conveyed the message better.

Amendment 21 “Repeal Prohibition”- Amendment 21 was created to ratify Amendment 18 nationwide ban on alcohol. I made the U.S. map using beer caps to represent the ability to buy alcohol nationwide. 


Purdy Burdy (Packaging Design)


Astrolotea (Mobile Design)