Overview: Design a beverage company (Brand, Logo, Packaging)

Software : Adobe Photoshop  & Adobe Illustrator

Purdy Burdy

Packaging Design


 I came up with Purdy Burdy, and the beverage would be juice boxes for kids. I liked the name so much that I changed the animals. The new Purdy Burdy logos include a chicken, a rooster, and a duck. With the selected logo and beverage type, it was time to focus on the brand.

Initially, the project was to create a tricon, and I chose farm animals as my theme. After discovering that we had to use the icons as logos for a beverage company, the first three icons were a chicken, pig, and bunny. I began thinking of brand names and types of beverages that would work with the subject I selected.

In Progress

The Purdy Burdy Brand needed to be kid-friendly and “parent-approved.” As a designer, it's my job to make both works. Making Purdy Burdy an organic juice was the best way to intrigue parents to buy the product. The design of the logo is meant to look like a child scribbling. I wanted to add that element in another way besides the logo so the fruit is the same style.


Hex Aroma (Self Authorship)


U.S. Amendments (Poster Design)